Monday, March 21, 2022

Can you Deep Learn the Stock Market?

You can read the complete study at the following links:  


DNN Stock Market Study at SlidesFinder 

DNN Stock Market Study at Slideshare 




We will test whether: 


a) Sequential Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can predict the stock market better than OLS regression;

b) DNNs using smooth Rectified Linear Unit activation functions perform better than the ones using Sigmoid (Logit) activation functions. 


Quarterly data from 1959 Q2 to 2021 Q3.  All variables are fully detrended as quarterly % change or first differenced in % (for interest rate variables).  Models are using standardized variables.  Predictions are converted back into quarterly % change.  


Data sources are from FREDS for the economic variables, and the Federal Reserve H.15 for interest rates.


Software used for DNNs.

R neuralnet package.  Inserted a customized function to use a smooth ReLu (SoftPlus) activation function.   


The variables within the underlying OLS Regression models are shown within the table below: 


Consumer Sentiment is by far the most predominant variable.  This is supported by the behavioral finance (Richard Thaler) literature.  


Housing Start is supported by the research of Edward E. Leamer advancing that the housing sector is a leading indicator of overall economic activity, which in turn impacts the stock market. 


Next, the Yield Curve (5 Year Treasury minus FF), and economic activity (RGDP growth) are well established exogenous variables that influence the stock market.  Both are not quite statistically significant.  And, their influence is much smaller than for the first two variables.  Nevertheless, they add explanatory logic to our OLS regression fitting the S&P 500. 


The above were the best variables we could select out of a wide pool of variables including numerous other macroeconomic variables (CPI, PPI, Unemployment rate, etc.) interest rates, interest rate spreads, fiscal policy, and monetary policy (including QE) variables. 


Next, let's quickly discuss activation functions of hidden layers within sequential Deep Neural Networks (DNN) model.  Until 2017 or so, the preferred activation function was essentially a Logit regression called Sigmoid function.


There is nothing wrong with the Sigmoid function per se.  The problem occurs when you take the first derivative of this function.  And, it compresses the range of values by 50% (from 0 to 1, to 0 to 0.5 for the first iteration).  In iterative DNN models, the output of one hidden layer becomes the input for the sequential layer.  And, this 50% compression from one layer to the next can generate values that converge close to zero.  This problem is called the “vanishing gradient descent.”  


Over the past few years, the Rectified Linear function, called ReLu, has become the most prevalent activation function for hidden layers.  We will advance that the smooth ReLu, also called SoftPlus is actually much superior to ReLu. 



SoftPlus appears superior to ReLu because it captures the weights of many more neurons’ features, as it does not zero out any such features with input values < 0.  Also, it generates a continuous set of derivatives values ranging from 0 to 1.  Instead, ReLu derivatives values are limited to a binomial outcome (0, 1). 


Here is a picture of our DNN structure. 


One input layer with 4 independent variables: Consumer Sentiment, Housing Start, Yield Curve, and RGDP. 
Two hidden layers.  The first one with 3 nodes, and the second one with 2 nodes.  Activation function for the two hidden layers are SoftPlus for the 1st DNN model, and Sigmoid for the second one.
One output variable, with one node, the dependent variable, the S&P 500 quarterly % change.  The output layer has a linear activation function. 
The DNN loss function is minimizing the sum of the square errors (SSE).  Same as for OLS.  

The balance of the DNN structure is appropriate.  It is recommended that the hidden layers have fewer 

nodes than the input one; and, that they have more nodes than the output layer.  Given that, the choice of 

nodes at each layer is just about predetermined.  More extensive DNNs would not have worked anyway.   

This is because the DNNs, as structured, already had trouble converging towards a solution given an 

acceptable error threshold. 


As expected the DNN models have much better fit with the complete historical data than the OLS 




As seen above, despite the mentioned limitation of the Sigmoid function, the two DNN models (SoftPlus 

vs. Sigmoid) relative performances are indistinguishable.  And, they are both better than OLS Regression.


But, fitting historical data and predicting or forecasting on an out-of-sample or Hold Out test basis are two 

completely different hurdles.  Fitting historical data is a lot easier than forecasting.


We will use three different Test periods as shown in the table below:



Each testing period is 12 quarters long.  And, it is a true Hold Out or out-of-sample test.  The training data 

consists of all the earlier data from 1959 Q2 up to the onset of the Hold Out period.  Thus, for the period, the training data runs from 1959 Q2 to 2000 Q1.

The quarters highlighted in orange denote recessions.  We call the three periods,, Great 
Recession, and COVID periods as each respective period covers the mentioned events.
To visualize the models' respective prediction performance, we will use "skylines."  The column graph 
below looks like a set of skylines with vertical buildings for positive values and reflection in water for 
negative values.  Within the complete linked study, we show several other ways to convey the forecasting 
performance that you may prefer.  
As shown above, all the models predictions are really pretty dismal.  None of the models predicted the 
protracted 3-year Bear market associated with the bubble.  At the margin, the OLS model
actually performed a bit better than the DNN models.  

Now, let's look at the Great Recession period.  In this situation, the models did better.  However, their 
overall predicting performance was nothing to write home about.  All models completely missed the 
severe market correction in the third year of the Great Recession period.  And, again the DNN models did 
not perform any better than the OLS Regression.

When focusing on the COVID period, the ongoing mediocrity (at best) of the models' prediction 
performance is readily apparent.  All models completely missed the robust Bull market in the third year of 
the COVID period (as defined).  Again, the DNN models did not fare any better than the simpler OLS 
If we look at average predictions for all three models for all three testing periods, we can get a quick 
snapshot of the competitiveness of the models. 

Without getting bogged down into attempting to fine tune model rankings between these three models, we can still derive two takeaways.  

The first one is that the Sigmoid issue with the "vanishing gradient descent" did not materialize.  As shown, the Sigmoid DNN model actually was associated with greater volatility in average S&P 500 quarterly % change than for the SoftPlus DNN model.   

The second one is that the DNN models did not provide any prediction incremental benefits over the simpler OLS Regression.  

So, why did all the models, regardless of their sophistication, pretty much fail in their respective predictions? 

It is for a very simple reason.  All the relationships between the Xs and Y variables are very unstable.  The table below shows the correlations between such variables during the Training and Testing periods.  As shown, many of the correlations are very different between the two (Training and Testing).  At times, those correlations even flip signs (check out the correlations with the Yield Curve (t5_ff)).  

The models' predictions failing is especially humbling when you consider that the mentioned 3-year Hold Out tests still presumed you had perfect information over the next 3 years regarding the four X variables.  As we know, this is not a realistic assumption.  




Thursday, March 3, 2022

Can Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) predict Inflation?

 Treasury Yield - TIPS Yield = Inflation Expectation

The above basic equation allows to derive long term Inflation Expectation from the bond market.  By looking at the spread between Treasuries and TIPS of identical maturities, we can derive inflation expectation over a 5 year, 7 year, and 10 year horizon. 

The TIPS data is unfortunately very limited and starts only in 2003.  However, given that we deal with monthly observations the data is still associated with numerous data points. 

So back in 2003, we could derive annualized 5 year, 7 year, and 10 year inflation expectations by looking at the spread between the matching Treasuries and TIPS. 

In 2003, we derived annualized 5 year expectation over the 2003- 2008 period.  And, we compare this inflation expectation with the actual annualized 5 year inflation rate over this same 2003 - 2008 period observed in 2008.  So, when we graph this data, the first observation will start in 2008.  

When looking at the 7 year expectation, the framework is the same as the above.  And, when we graph this data, the first observation will start in 2010.  For 10 year inflation expectation, the first observation will be in 2013.

The complete study can be found at the following link: 

TIPS study at Slideshare  

TIPS study at SlidesFinder 

None of the TIPS derived inflation expectations turned out into effective predictions as shown on the scatter plots below. 

The scatter plots are more readily visible within the complete study.  Nevertheless, at a high level these three scatter plots disclose images of near randomness.  This is true whether you look at 5 year, 7 year, or 10 year horizons.  In all three cases, the underlying linear regressions have a slope and an R Square close to Zero denoting near randomness and absence of any material relationship between inflation expectation and actual inflation years later.

Here is looking at the 5 year horizon.


Here is looking at the 7 year horizon.

Here is looking at the 10 year horizon. 

All three graphs have a similar pattern with little relationship between inflation expectation and actual inflation.  This absence of relationship was precisely diagnosed using the scatter plots and underlying linear regressions above.  

When we combine the 3 sets of inflation predictions on the same graph, we can observe how bond investors reacted to the onset of the Great Recession back in 2008. 


The graph above discloses that back in 2008, the spread between Treasuries and TIPS over the 5 year, 7 year, and 10 year maturities resulted in inflation prediction associated with a deep deflationary environment.  We can observe that with the 3 deep negative spikes denoting negative inflation expectation over long periods of time starting back in 2008.  

Back in 2008, the negative inflation expectation over the 5 year horizon kicked in 2013 (blue line); 

Over the 7 year horizon it kicked in 2015 (red line); and 

Over the 10 year horizon it kicked in 2018 (gray line).  

Next, let's compare the combined inflation expectations as presented above vs. what happened: the actual inflation over those respective periods. 

As shown above, the actual annualized inflation rates look completely different from the matching annualized inflation expectations.  Within the actual data, there are no downward spike associated with a deflationary environment over several years (each monthly data point covers several years of data associated with the various maturities of the bonds: 5 year, 7 year, and 10 year).

There are considerations that the Federal Reserve (Fed) is a dominant investor in TIPS.  And, therefore the Fed may have distorted the resulting inflation expectation measure.  If that is the case, TIPS yields would be lower than otherwise.  And, the resulting inflation expectations would be higher than otherwise.  This is counter to the objective of the Fed.  But, this may be an unintended consequence that the Fed has not resolved.  

Looking at the data is rather ambivalent. 

The 7 year and 10 year maturities are supportive of the hypothesis that the Fed may have influenced the TIPS yields downward and indirectly the inflation expectations upward.  For both maturities, the inflation expectations are in average statistically significantly higher than actual inflation.  However, when looking the 5 year maturity, this is not the case; as actual inflation in average has been a bit higher than inflation expectation.  

Monday, February 28, 2022

How overvalued is the Stock Market?

Caveat: this analysis was conducted before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

You can find the complete analysis at the following two URLs:

Stock Overvaluation at

Stock Overvaluation at SlidesFinder 

As a first cut, one looks at PE ratios and quickly infer that the Stock Market is much overvalued. 

Whether you look at a regular PE ratio or Shiller PE ratio (using 10 years of inflation adjusted earnings), PE ratios are pretty high right now.  But, on a stand alone basis a PE ratio does not tell you much if at all.  If the PE ratio of the S&P 500 is around 25, does it mean that stocks are expensive relative to bonds or other assets?  Does it mean that stocks are overvalued relative to the inflation rate or other economic indicators?  Frankly, you have no idea. 

To start our analysis, let's first look at whether stocks are overvalued or not relative to 10 Year Treasuries.  To render both investments comparable, we are going to flip the PE ratio upside down, and instead look at the EP ratio (Earnings/Price) that is commonly referred to as the Market Earnings Yield.  And, we are going to compare this Market EP with 10 Year Treasuries yield.  

As shown above, when we compare the S&P 500 earnings yield (EP) with 10 Year Treasuries yield (by dividing the former vs. the latter), we can observe that based on historical data the Stock Market appears relatively cheap or undervalued relative to 10 Year Treasuries yield. 

We can extend this analysis to all different types of bonds, and the result is the same.  Currently, stock are actually a lot cheaper than bonds. 

The table above shows on the first row that the EP multiple of 10 Year Treasury is currently 2.2.  It is much higher than the long term average of 1.3.  Also, the EP - 10 Year Treasury yield spread is 1.73%, which is 1.47% higher than the long term average of 0.27%.  Given that, stocks are currently a lot cheaper than 10 Year Treasuries.  And, the story is the same for 30 Year Treasuries, Moody's Baa corporate bonds, and S&P BB and B rated bonds.  Thus, despite the S&P 500 having a pretty high PE, stocks are actually really cheap relative to bonds.  But, does that mean that stocks are truly cheap or undervalued?  Or, that bonds are even more overvalued than stocks.  

The table below discloses that stocks and bonds are actually all rather extraordinarily expensive relative to the current inflation rate. 

Looking at the first column from the left, the S&P 500 Earnings Yield (EP) is - 3.65 percentage points lower than the inflation rate over the past 12 months.  And, that is - 3.64 standard deviation below the long term average for this spread that stands at + 2.17%.  Thus, from this standpoint the stock market is greatly overvalued.  Notice, that it is the same story for all the bonds.

One can reasonably argue that the stocks and bonds overvaluation is very much due to a one-off abrupt spike in inflation that should abate somewhat over the next year or so.    

In January 2022, inflation, measured as the 12 month change in CPI, jumped to 7.5%.  This was the highest inflation rate since the early 1980s.  

Next, let's look at a more stable measure of inflation.  It is also forward looking which makes it very relevant for the stock market.  That measure is the 10 Year Inflation Expectation derived by measuring the spread between regular 10 Year Treasuries and Inflation Indexed 10 Year Treasuries.  The current spread between the two is 2.45%, in line with long term average.  Now, let's look at the valuation of stocks and bonds relative to this inflation expectation measure. 

As shown, even using this more stable measure of inflation, stocks and bonds are still very much overvalued relative to inflation expectations. 

We can look at two linear regression models to explore in more detail how overvalued are stocks relative to inflation and inflation expectations. 

The linear regression on the left shows that given a current inflation rate of 7.5%, the estimated stock market EP is 9.0% vs. an actual figure of 3.83%.  For the mentioned reasons, we won't focus much on this model and this inflation measure.  Instead, we will focus more on the less volatile and more forward looking inflation expectation measure and the related model within the scatter plot on the right.  

The linear regression on the right shows that given a current 10 year inflation expectation of 2.45%, the estimated stock market EP is 5.33% vs. an actual figure of 3.83%.  Focusing on the 10 year inflation expectation measure, it would entail a potential market correction of: 3.83%/5.33% - 1 = - 28%.  Notice that this regression model is not that explanatory (R Square 0.27).  So, there is much uncertainty around this potential market correction estimate.  Nevertheless, the current EP of 3.83% is 1.4 standard error below the estimate of 5.33%, indicating that 92% of this regression model residuals are higher than for this current observation.  That is pretty far out on the left-tail.  




Sunday, February 20, 2022

The relationship between interest rates and the stock market.

 Both the Futures markets and the Federal Reserve expect the Fed Funds rate to reach around 1.50% during the first half of 2023.  Given that, investors are concerned that the market is in for a serious correction.  

You can read my complete study of the relationship between rates and the stock market at: 

Stock Market Study at 

Stock Market Study at

Higher rates entail a higher discount rate of prospective earning streams, therefore reducing the net present value of a company's stock.  On the other hand, higher rates are also often associated with economic growth  resulting in faster earnings growth.  Thus, higher discount rate vs. potentially faster earnings growth are countervailing forces.  Consequently, the relationship between (rising) interest rates and the stock market may not be as one-sided as anticipated.  

Using quarterly data going back to 1954, visually, we can observe that the relationship between interest rates and the stock market is rather weak, approaching randomness.  Whether we focus on the Feds Fund rate (FF) or the 10 Year Treasury one, a quarterly change in such rate is not that informative regarding quarterly change in the S&P 500 level.  

The correlation between the change in the S&P 500 and change in FF is only negative - 0.19.  And, it is negative - 0.24 with the 10 Year Treasury rate.  Both translates into R Squares that are very close to Zero, indicating that rates explain very little of the S&P 500 behavior.  That is pretty much what the graphs above are conveying.  The regression line has a slope that is very flat.  The confidence interval of the data-points location along that line is pretty wide.  The red ellipse show an image of near randomness.  

Focusing on 4-quarter change in the FF rates vs. the S&P 500, we compiled the following table based on data going back to 1954.  And, we focused on various FF rate increase ranges that reflect the prospective ones we are facing over the next year. 

As shown on the table above, FF increase levels do not clearly differentiate between S&P 500 level changes over 4 quarters.  Based on investment theory and monetary policy, you would expect that the higher the rise in FF, the lower the rise in S&P 500 over the reviewed period.  But, the empirical data does not quite support these common assumptions.  

Next, I built an OLS regression that also factored the influence of economic growth (rgdp), inflation (CPI), and quantitative easing (qe).  All variables were fully detrended on a quarterly basis. 

The regression shows a conundrum often encountered in such econometrics models.  The independent variables are statistically significant.  This suggests you have a pretty good model.  But, not so fast ...  this model is actually pretty poor with an Adjusted R Square of only 0.19.  It also has a very high standard error that is nearly as high as the standard deviation of the dependent variable, the change in the S&P 500 level. 


The facet graph above shows how mediocre this econometrics model is.  The residuals (red) capture a lot more of the volatility and the trend of the S&P 500 changes (black), than the model estimates (green). 

Next, I developed a couple of Vector Autoregression (VAR) models, one with 1-lag, and the other with 3-lags.  These VAR models were pretty much disastrous.  Probably the most efficient way to demonstrate that is to show that the VAR models were hardly any better than simply using a Naive model that would use as a single estimate the S&P 500 average quarterly change, and take its standard deviation as the standard error of this Naive model estimates. 

As shown above, the standard error of the two VAR models is hardly any lower than the standard deviation of the S&P 500.  The OLS regression model is clearly better than the VAR models.  Yet, its performance in terms of true error reduction (- 10.2%) is nothing to write home about. 

Additionally, the VAR models generated Impulse Response Functions that went in the wrong direction.  See below within the VAR model with 3 lags, the change in the S&P 500 over 8 quarterly periods in response to an upward 1 percentage point shock in FF.  It is positive.  That's clearly the wrong direction (as far as both investment theory and monetary policy are concerned.  

All of the above suggests that interest rate rises are not that deterministic in anticipating stock market downturns.  That may be in part because prospective FF rises or declines are already priced in the stock market through the Futures market.  Going forward, the market may very well encounter rough waters (as of this writing it already has).  But, it is for many more reasons than interest rates and even overall monetary policy alone.


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Will we soon live to a 100?

 We are talking here of life expectancy at birth.   And, it represents the average (or probably the median) number of years one can expect to live when born in a given year.  This estimate is based on the current relevant mortality rate for each age-year.  

We already have centenarians now.  As a % of the population, the proportion of centenarians is likely to increase somewhat due to continuing progress in health care.  However, health care improvement may be partly countered by deterioration in health trends (rising diabetes, obesity rate, and declining fitness levels). 

To advance that in the near future we may reach a life expectancy of 100 is incredibly more challenging and unlikely than having a rising minority of the population reaching 100.  Here is why... for each person who dies at a more regular age of 70, you need 3 who make it to 110.  For each one who dies at birth, you need 10 who make it to 110. 

How about 90?  For each who dies at 70, you either need 2 who make it to a 100, or 1 who makes it to 110.  

You can see how the average life expectancy arithmetic is very forbidding. 

You can see my research on the subject at and SlidesFinder.  

Live to a 100 at Slideshare    

Live to a 100 at SlidesFinder  

The above is a 35 slides presentation that is very visual and reads quickly.  Nevertheless, let me go over the main highlights. 

I looked at the life expectancy of just a few countries with very long life expectancy plus China and the US. 

                                                                                                                                                                           I observed an amazing amount of convergence between numerous countries that are geographically and genetically very distant.  These countries have also very different culture, lifestyle, and nutrition.  Yet, they all fare very well and have a converging life expectancy above 80 years old (several years higher than China and the US).  And, also several of those countries started from dramatically lower starting points.  This is especially true for Korea (South) that had a life expectancy much under 40 back in 1950.  And, now Korea's life expectancy is nearly as long as Japan, much above 80 years old

Next, I looked at the UN forecasts of such life expectancy out to 2099.  And, I found such forecasts incredibly optimistic. 

As shown, all countries' respective life expectancy keeps on rising in a linear fashion by 1.1 year per decade.  This seems highly unlikely.  The longer the life expectancy, the harder any further increase becomes.  The forecasts instead should probably be shaped as a logarithmic curve reflecting smaller improvements as life expectancy rises. 

I did attempt to generate forecasts for a few countries (Japan and the US) using linear-log regressions to follow the above shape, but without much success.  This was in part because the historical data from 1950 to 2020 is often pretty close to being linear ... just like the first half of the logarithmic curve above is also very close to being linear.  Maybe if I had modeled Korea, I may have had more success using a linear-log model.  But, there was no way I could have successfully used this model structure for all countries covered because the country-level historical data had often not yet entered its logarithmic faze (slower increase in life expectancy).  The UN forecasts entailed that if the history was linear, the forecasts would be linear too ... a rather questionable assumption.   

Also, as mentioned current deteriorations in health trends are not supportive of rising life expectancy...  especially life expectancy keeping on rising forever in a linear fashion.  I call this questionable forecasting method the danger of linear extrapolation. 

As shown below, the rate of diabetes is rising worldwide. 

Also, BMI is rising worldwide. 

This deterioration in health trends represents material headwinds against life expectancy keeping on rising into the distant future. 

The full presentation includes much more coverage on all the countries, more info on health trends; and it also looks at healthy life expectancy, a very interesting and maybe even more relevant subject than life expectancy.  Who wants to live to a 100 if it entails 30 years of disability.  Healthy life expectancy is what we really want.  At a high level, healthy life expectancy is typically a decade shorter than life expectancy.  For more detailed information go to the full presentations.    

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Comparing R vs. Python graphing capabilities for time series data

 I used a simple time series data set on the number of touch downs for seven different quarterbacks achieved over the years.  The x-axes of the graphs are the quarterbacks' respective age.  The y-axes are their respective cumulative number of touch downs.  

You can see the complete presentation at the link below: 

R vs. Python comparison

And, I compare the two software using different types of graphs, including:

1) Time series graph of a single variable (the number of touch downs for one single quarterback);
2) Time series graph of multiple variables (including all 7 quarterbacks); and 
3) Facet graphs when you generate a separate graph for each of the quarterbacks. 

For the first two types of graphs, the two software were pretty competitive.  R was a bit more efficient in generating legends almost automatically.  Meanwhile, constructing a legend using Python was a lot longer and manual.  But, otherwise the respective Python graphs were pretty competitive with the R ones in terms of look and feel.  And, the coding difficulty (besides the legend bit) was fairly similar. 

When it came to Facet graphs, there was no comparison.  R was far easier and better.  Python facet graph capabilities appear more structured for scatter plots and not so much for time series plots.  Doing the latter in Python was truly a miserable experience.  And, the result was so poor relative to the R facet graphs, that I don't even dare to show them here.  I show them within the presentation link above.  With superior Python coding skills, maybe facet-time series graphs are doable.  But, be warned.  There is high hurdle rate there in terms of coding skills.  

Here is a multi variables regular Python graph that came out very well.


Here is the comparable R graph that came out equally well. 


Here is an R facet graph that came out very well. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Will stock markets survive in 200 years? Some won't make it till 2050

Within a related study “The next 200 years and beyond” (see URLs below), 


The next 200 years at Slideshare


The next 200 years at SlidesFinder


... we disclosed that population and economic growth can’t possibly continue beyond just a few centuries.


Just considering what seems like a benign scenario: 


 Zero population growth with a 1% real GDP per capita growth … 


… would result in the World economy becoming 8 times greater within 288 years and 16 times greater within 360 years.  Thus, the mentioned scenario, as projected over the long term, is not feasible.  


This study contemplates how will stock markets survive in the absence of any demographic and economic growth.  The whole body of finance supporting stock markets (CAPM, Dividend Growth model, Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value) evaporates in the absence of a growth input (market rate of return, dividend growth, etc.). 


And, current trends over the past few decades confirm the World is already heading in that direction.  In our minds, this raised existential considerations for stock markets. 


This study uncovered several stock markets that already experience current and prospective growth constraints.  And, the survival of several of those markets till 2050 appear questionable. 


Place yourself in the shoes of college graduates entering the labor force and investing in their 401K for retirement.  The common wisdom is to invest the majority of such funds in the stock market to reap maximum growth over the long term.  Such a well established strategy, would most probably not work out for the majority of the 11 markets reviewed.  And, it could be devastating if the college grad lives in Greece, Italy, or Ukraine. 


Similar considerations, within the same mentioned countries, would affect any institutional investors focused on the long term such as pension funds, endowment funds, insurers, retail index fund investors, etc.


In the US, we may be spared these bearish considerations, but for how long?  A century or two from now, we in the US may be affected by the same considerations.  


You can see the complete study at the following link below: 

 Stock market in 200 years at Slideshare






Compact Letter Display (CLD) to improve transparency of multiple hypothesis testing

Multiple hypothesis testing is most commonly undertaken using ANOVA.  But, ANOVA is an incomplete test because it only tells you ...